Posted by susieq

I do want to post more. Really, truly, I do. But I don't always have time to post, and I don't always have something interesting to say. :( So, once-in-a-blue-moon when something happens, I will post and document it accordingly. I hope.
That being said, something did happen yesterday:
Our piano teacher and her kids took Peter and Kathy to the site of a Extreme Home Makeover. As in, the tv show. Kathy says it really wasn't that thrilling. However, she got some pictures of the cranes with cameras and a few reporters, etc. Also, the dad of the toddler Mary babysits (who is absolutely adorable! - the toddler, not the dad) designed and built a desk for the house. It's a bubble desk...I thought that meant the desk was shaped like a bubble - kind of round-ish. No, instead it's a desk that has a device built-in. And this device thingy actually makes and shoots bubbles from under the desk (I think). I really wanted to go, but I was sick. :( It was a tragedy. I hope to confiscate Kathy's camera soon and post whatever pictures she has. :)