No Church  

Posted by susieq in , ,

Due to "severe weather conditions" church was cancelled today. Just FYI.

More Snow!!!  

Posted by susieq in , ,

I love snow!!!! Yes, I think I have an obsession. It's supposed to get warm tomorrow and melt, which is really, really, sad. I guess I'll live, though. I think Kathy and I are the only ones who still have an obsession with snow, so we were out there taking pictures for multiple hours. Right now I need to empty my memory stick, 'cause it's full of white pictures!! I only posted about a third of them. It makes me sooo happy to see white everywhere!!! :)

Another Post on Snow!!!!!  

Posted by susieq

Yes, more snow pictures. The snow is still coming down really fast...we're getting a blizzard!!! Hopefully it will all still be there tomorrow, and if it is, guess what...MORE PICTURES!!! I'm really excited. I love snow.


Posted by susieq

I love snow!!!

It's snowing outside!!!!!!! I am so excited!!!! Tonight we are celebrating Kaitlin's birthday (The almost seventeen year old who is staying with us), which is totally random except for the fact that it's supposed to be a surprise, and since it's snowing her school got canceled, so that made it difficult. We're working on it, though.

Recap of my life...  

Posted by susieq

This is a recap of my life over the past week and a half. Last Monday I woke up and felt slightly crummy. I went to Classical Conversations anyway. First mistake. I sat next to my favorite Latin partner (non-sibling) at the aforementioned CC. Second mistake. Got home, watched Air Force One with family and took my temp. 101.3. That wasn't appreciated. Wake up Tuesday morning with a HUGE headache and took my temperature again. 102.4. Oh, great. Completely miserable in bed all day Tuesday. Peter, too. Woke up Wednesday morning. Sarah had already informed us that being sick is all mental. Wednesday morning, she felt crummy, and yet held to the fact that it was all mental and that she just had to tell herself that she wasn't sick. She was sick. Wednesday another miserable day in bed, only this time, Sarah was also in bed. Woke up Thursday much better, only with a cold. It was raining outside and Dad didn't want the roof to cave in, so he asked me to clean the roof off. I, being the wonderful girl I am, complied. I cleaned off the roof and am surprised that I didn't get pnuemonia. Now, on Tuesday night, when I was miserable in my bed, a friend of ours dropped of her two girls, ages 13 and almost 17 to stay with us for 12 days while she visisted Arizona to care for a dying aunt. Whoa. She ahd just asked us to take them on Sunday...two days before they were going to move in for almost two weeks. Well, now it's been 10 days and going fine. It'll be weird once they leave, though. Let's go back to Wednesday. If you remember, Sarah woke up sick on Wednesday, but so did someone else. My FLP (favorite Latin partner) did, too. He was sick until Saturday. So, Saturday his older brother had already planned to have a friend over, and since my FLP was feeling better, he didn't cancel. His mistake. One hour after his friend had left, my FLP's older brother was in bed, sick. The next day their brother got it, too. So, I infected multiple people, and could have infected more. My FLP's older brother's friend, for example, has a two month old younger brother, plus seven other siblings, all who could potentially have gotten sick. They didn't, which was really good, but next time I'm going to take my temperature BEFORE I leave the house. Yep, that's my plan.

P.S. The girls who are staying with us didn't get sick, thankfully, and they are having fun!!

Sanctity of Life  

Posted by susieq in , ,

"For you created my inmost being: you knit me together in my mother's womb...All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." ~Psalm 139:13,16

Since the United States Supreme Court legalized abortion on demand in all 50 states in 1973, over 50 million unborn babies have been aborted in our country. Over a third of the women over age 45 today have had an abortion.

These statitics are incredible, and we hope they won't be repeated in the future. Crisis pregnancy centers are doing their part, but what are we doing about it? These babies have the right to live. So what are we going to do about it? Sound the call. Join the cry these babies never had the chance to utter. Tell the world.

Guess what I heard today...  

Posted by susieq

Guess what I heard on the radio today...Taylor Swift 'You Belong With Me'. Okay, so since the only people who ever read my blog are the crazies who have been known to play this song to the extremes, make up dances and hand motions, and even annoy the dogs with it, I figured this warranted a post. Since I have been less than regular in posting anyway, I decided to tell y'all that we listened to the whole thing. Yup. We even called Uncle T so he could join in the fun. I think we need to visit the Ruffs so we can fully expose Casey to the neccessities of life, aka Taylor Swift 24/7 nonstop. There, I posted. :)