So, I guess I have to start from the beginning. Last Monday, Peter and Dad went to their first Boy Scouts meeting. Peter just turned 11, (the necessary age for starting Boy Scouts) so they decided Monday was the night. They got there and, as it turns out, once a month the Scouts go on some sort of trip together. This past weekend there was a canoe trip on the Hiwasse river. Peter and Dad went. Obviously, I wasn't there, but it sounds like they had a good time. It turns out that Peter's troop leader was a friend of ours, which was really good, because he only knew one other boy on the trip. Meanwhile, at the place-of-much-stress (a.k.a. HOME) we were having quite a different experience. Stored in our basement were numerous boxes of pictures. 20+ years of boxes, actually. We were assigned to sort through and organize them by year so that we could have them scanned and put on external hard drives. We did that (most painfully) on Friday night. Saturday morning came, and we thought we were in the home stretch. When we woke up, we discovered that Mom had only slept 5 hours that night. Fun, right? Don't get me wrong, she wasn't grumpy, just......tired. So, Saturday, she took a nap, and then we were finishing up pictures. Mainly putting the pictures in labeled boxes and bags. We realized that all our hard work the night before didn't do much because we didn't really know what year some of the pictures belonged to. So, it took all of Saturday night to finish those pictures, but we all went to bed with a feeling of accomplishment. All of us, that is, except Mom. She realized that we had photo albums with all of the pictures we had just sorted through that were already in order, (thus eradicating the need for Friday nights' 6 hours of work) and that we also had negatives of all of the pictures (thus erasing the need for Saturday's work). So, she didn't sleep at all on Saturday night, and come Sunday morning was exhausted. After church, we came home and worked on photo albums all morning and afternoon. We cleaned everything up and, at 3 o'clock we had ice cream to celebrate being DONE!!!! For real, this time. YAY! Then Mom took a nap. She wook up at about five and we ate, cleaned up again, and played spades until Dad and Peter got home at about 9. So, which weekend would you have chosen?
home: (no pictures available)
This entry was posted
on Monday, August 17, 2009
at 8/17/2009
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