Something to post about!  

Posted by susieq

Today I finally have something to post about. YAY!!! My mundane life is becoming less mundane...for today. Kevin is coming down this afternoon (in like, an hour) and we're making gingerbread houses with him! He's staying tomorrow but has to work on Friday, so he's leaving sometime tomorrow. We're getting together with some amazing friends on Sunday night, and that's about it. School is wrapping up for this semester. I can't believe it! I had three final projects due this past Monday and next Monday (12 days), I have two more. I'm so excited about Christmas break! During Christmas break, Mom and Dad are going to fly to Montana to see Stephen for his birthday. (right after Christmas) We are going to survive. Maybe. Aloha Nui and Happy Thanksgiving!!

Christmas Ramblings  

Posted by susieq

I love Christmas. With 8 other people in your family to buy presents for, you start thinking about Christmas before Thanksgiving. :) The whole season is exciting. True, it would be even better if we could have a white Christmas. Not even every year, just once a decade or something. :) I'm sure Adrian and Sufie and Hans will get a white Christmas. Good for you. It might get below freezing down here, but that's about all we can hope for here in Chattanooga. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

I need help  

Posted by susieq

I know, I know, it's been almost a month since I posted. But, here I am. I took Twig's advice and changed my blog background in the hope's that I would actually post more. Yeah right. :) I really love winter and Christmas, and this blog background will probably stay until May. Now, with my record, I may only post 3 times between now and then. Our life has been crazy with Sarah's surgery, dentist appointments, and Mom teaching. Our plans for Thanksgiving aren't finalized but Kevin is coming down (YAY). We're not sure what we're going to do with brothers can be hard to plan for. And then we're on to Christmas plans...I have to buy presents, and we have to set up decorations! I'm kinda panicking right now, can you tell. Our "pre-holiday" season has been really hard, and I don't know if I can handle it! After Christmas, Mom and Dad are planning to fly out and see Stephen in Montana. I'm so overwhelmed! I can't believe I found the 10 minutes to write this post. Please pray for me. I can't keep doing this. I need Jesus' peace right now and I need to remember the reason for this season: that he came because He loved us. It doesn't matter that I'm a month behind in Biology. He made me. When I think about His big picture, even though I can only see a small part of it, I think "how stupid is it to worry about the next math lesson that I don't have done?" He gave up everything for me. He wants me to learn how to be like Him. I don't need to learn all the bones in your body to grow. But I do need to find the time every day to spend with God. I try and try but it's so easy to be caught up in what needs to happen for you to succeed academically, but what about spiritually? What good is it for you to be able to recite the Presidents in order if you don't know the books of the Bible in order? It just doesn't make sense. Why do we get so caught up in what we "need" to get done in order to please others when we don't take time to do what we truly need to in order to please the only One who matters? We need so much help. His help. We can't do it on our own. Okay, so that was really long and incoherent, but hopefully you followed. You get a gold star if you read the whole thing. :)