Laws Ave. Cleanup  

Posted by susieq

Okay, I think most of you know the story, but for those who don't, bear with me...

So, about 2 years a single mom called our church looking for help. Since she lived in Brainerd, Dad got the responsibility of helping her. We made her a Thanksgiving meal, and then, in December, bought school uniforms for her kids for Christmas. We did various other things, but this is the abbreviated version. :) Come January her landlord, who was actually some sort of con artist, was being foreclosed on...ergo she would be homeless. Great. So, on a cold January morning, Mom and Dad show up on the steps of the Hamilton County Courthouse and buy the house. Whoa. We were now...LANDLORDS. Deep breath. So, things kind of went downhill from there. Turns out, the single mom was utterly unable to keep a job, and we eventually felt that we were not helping her by giving her a house, a car (we bought one for her), and money for gas. So, we evicted her. Now, 18 months later, we still have a money pit (a.k.a. the house). We couldn't get it insured until we put a new roof on, and there were various other issues that we had to fix. This last week we have spent 24 + hours cleaning and furnishing it so that we can have pictures/videos taken and the realtor is listing it today! YAY! We're hoping to have it gone by the end of October. Hoping. Maybe I can find before and after pictures of the house. It looks great! By the way, other setbacks have been people breaking windows and stealing azalea bushes, plus unwelcome black widow spiders. It's been an adventure, all right.


Posted by susieq

First, let me start off by saying that I am patting myself on the back right now because (drumroll, please)...I'm posting twice in the same week!!! (Taylor falls over in shock :) Anyway, just giving you the heads up; we're leaving for Washington D.C. tomorrow!!! Yay! I'll try to post about it after we get home on Monday, but you all know how likely that is. :) Our computer has been really weird lately, so those pictures I promised may not happen... :) But, I will try to post about the trip next week. Have a great weekend!!


Posted by susieq

Last weekend, the Ruffs and Zeglens got together for their annual fall break campout. Does anyone know what the weather was like last weekend in Huntsville? Wet. and Cold. So, Friday night we drove down in the dark (with some intense thunderstorms and creepy detours) and stayed at the Ruffs house because the park ranger had sent them down the mountain we were (supposed to be) camping on because of the tornado watch. Fun, fun. All eight girls piled into their family room for the night. Woke up in the morning, ate breakfast in their kitchen, and then packed up all our sleeping stuff and clothes and headed up the mountain. We set up our 4-6 person tent and made a sleeping bag arrangement so that we could succesfully stuff 8 girls in there. Easier said than done. Then we did what we do best. We took pictures!! We went to the playground and overlook and took pictures until the clouds came so low that we couldn't see 10 feet in front of us. Creepy. We walked the mile (approximately) back to the campsite in the mist. Upon arriving in the camp, we were immediately summoned to a "family meeting" called by Uncle T. Uh-oh. Never good news. Turns out, this time was no different. Turns out, the dads thought it would be too cold and wet to stay on the mountain Saturday night. So, we packed up the tent and sleeping supplies AGAIN, and headed back down the mountain. Did I mention it took over an hour to get the tent set up and everyone settled inside?! We were not happy campers at that point. :) Anyway, we got over it and set up "camp" again in the Ruffs' family room. Sunday morning... woke up, packed up all our stuff into the car, went back up the mountain, and did a repeat of last years' experiment w/diet coke and mentos. It wasn't quite as much fun when we actually knew what we were doing. ;) Had lunch on Sunday and did skits in front of the fire for about two hours. Then we had to leave. *sob, sob* So, we didn't actually sleep in a tent or have to make any food at the campsite besides sandwiches and dessert. :) This year was our "not-camping camping trip" with the Ruffs. Can't wait for next year!

Pictures in the mist:

More pics coming soon!! (another cliff hanger for you Adrian :)

Plans for October  

Posted by susieq

So, it's officially October. Okay, so it was actually officially October yesterday, but hey, at least I got it in the first week! :) So, does anyone who reads this know what is happening next weekend? Hmm? Well, if you don't know, you should. It's the official annual Ruff-Zeglen campout. Now, if you aren't a Ruff or a Zeglen, you may want to stop reading this simply because